by Ivan Israelstam | Jun 6, 2017 | CCMA, Employees, Labour Law, Labour Law Debate with Ivan Israelstam, Unfair Dismissals
Proof is evidence soundly supported by other relevant evidence. Regardless of the seriousness of an employee’s misconduct his/her dismissal will be found to be unfair if the employer is unable to provide at arbitration sound and relevant evidence that the employee was...
by Ivan Israelstam | May 7, 2017 | CCMA, Labour Law for Employers, Retrenchments, Unfair Dismissals
The current international and South African climate is causing a large number of companies to experience severe financial difficulties. Customer orders are waning, budgets are being cut, profits are dwindling, cash flows are tightening and it is becoming increasingly...
by Ivan Israelstam | May 7, 2017 | CCMA, Labour Law, Labour Law for Employers, Retrenchments
Until the 2002 amendments to the Labour Relations Act (LRA) were introduced the CCMA and bargaining councils had no jurisdisction to decide retrenchment matters once conciliation failed to resolve the dispute. However, the amendments gave jurisdiction to the CCMA and...
by Ivan Israelstam | Feb 9, 2017 | CCMA, Labour Law for Employers
The concept of reasonableness has a strong subjective element. For instance, a salary increase of 50 % might seem reasonable to me if I have been earning a lot less than my colleagues. However, if my employer does not want to set a precedent of giving 50% increases...
by Ivan Israelstam | Dec 6, 2016 | CCMA, Labour Law, Retrenchments
When an employer contemplates retrenching employees it must have a good reason for going through with such an idea. Reasons for retrenchment that are not acceptable include the employer’s personal dislike of the employee, a desire to replace the employee with a family...